Divorce Assets & Pensions
Deciding to end a marriage is never an easy decision. One of the more difficult aspects of any breakdown is agreeing how to deal with financial matters.
There are a number of ways that financial matters can be resolved, including Court Proceedings, Mediation, Negotiation and Collaborative Law.
It is usually the case that the alternatives to Court are quicker and cost less. However, should you opt for the Court process, the Court will have the power to make one or more of the following orders: -
- Maintenance pending suit
- Periodical payments
- Secured periodical payments
- Lump sum orders
- Property adjustment orders
- An order for sale
- Pension sharing or attachment orders
The Court may also consider making a clean break order so that neither partner will be dependent upon the other in the future.
The Court will make its decision based on a number of factors called the “Section 25 criteria”.
We can assist with what is likely to happen to the former matrimonial home, how assets should be divided between you and how the Court will apply the law to your case.