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Free Family Law Surgeries

Understanding family law matters can seem overwhelming, yet our free surgeries are here to provide guidance.

With expert advice available at no cost, these surgeries address initial advice with regards to pivotal issues such as, children disputes, child arrangements, and domestic abuse. Designed to offer initial guidance, they aim to clarify your rights and outline subsequent steps in your legal path.

Unfortunately, our free initial appointment slots are not available for divorce and financial matters. As the timings in these free initial appointments are not enough for the more detailed advice in which would need to be given. However, we offer competitive hourly rate appointments, which would be of more benefit to those needing divorce and financial advice.

Whether you choose a walk-in session or prefer a pre-arranged call, our dedicated team is here to ensure you receive the support you need.

You have my heartfelt thanks and total respect for delivering a first class service to families in such a challenging and distressing field as family law.

– E Ragni