Domestic Abuse
If you or someone you know is suffering psychological, physical, sexual or emotional abuse there are lots of organisations that can give you help and support, including Refuge and Women's Aid. Family Law Group can help you with the legal side of things.
You can apply for an injunction, which is a court order that requires someone to do or not to do something. There are two main types of injunctions available which will help to protect you and your family:
Children and your rights – Non Molestation Order
Your abuser may threaten that if you leave or tell anyone about what's happening, your child will be taken away from you. Social Services will not take your child away for this reason.
If you fear your partner will abduct your children, get legal advice as soon as possible. We can advise you on how to protect your children and explain how contact between your child and a violent partner can be restricted. You can apply for an order that will protect you from threats or violence. This is called a non-molestation order.
Your home and your rights – Occupation Order
You can apply for an order that will protect your right to live safely in your family home, this is called an occupation order. If granted the court could order your abuser to move out of the house and forbid them even to enter it.The court can also in some circumstances order the transfer of a rented property into your sole name, or order your abuser to pay a mortgage upon an owned property.